Sampling & Analysis Systems
- Maximize your plant’s efficiency
- Minimize the cost of ownership
Basic Function & Layout
An accurate and reliable sampling and analysis systems, as well as a chemical dosing system is crucial for plant efficiency and longevity. By maintaining optimal chemical conditions whilst measuring and dosing chemicals, there will be no corrosion inside the boiler piping, and no corrosion or deposits on internal surfaces and turbine blades. And a minimal need for drum water drains.
Samples are collected from strategically chosen points in the steam/water circuit and lead through small size tubing to a central system where the sample is conditioned and analyzed on chemical parameters.
Chemicals are dosed into the Steam / Water cycle at precise chosen points, through small-sized tubing coming from the chemical dosing skid. The two systems interact to constantly maintain the most optimal chemical conditions.
Watcon has more than 30 years of experience in 100’s of plants all over the world with every single step in this process. From the sample extraction device to the final electric output signal, right through to the DCS endpoint. Please consult our ‘pitfalls’ list to give you an idea of what it takes to get to a 24/7, accurate, and reliable automatic measurement and control reading. Please call upon our expertise, we are here to serve you.
Design Philosophy
Our systems are made to measure according to customer specifications. This includes process conditions and international codes and standards depending on your region in the world. The basis of the design is to enable accurate and reliable automatic measurement and control, coupled with a user-friendly interface alongside low ownership costs. We find the system should appear good evoking respect from the operator and thus form a natural urge to maintain the equipment well. The layout must be logical and operation must be easily understandable and ergonomically justified, whilst all components requiring adjustment or readout should be reachable without climbing or stretching. Remember, safety first!
This results in a stainless steel frame (still looking good after 10 years outside) with a drip pan and working surface over the complete width of the unit. Operational tasks are situated between 90-180 cm height. All valves and components that need adjustments that influence each other are within eyesight and are easy to reach. All components are built to the highest standard of craftsmanship to ensure safe operation, which is required when dealing with sample pressures and temperatures exceeding 125 bar, 500 °C.
Standard Design
The systems are built out of components like sample coolers, pressure reducers, needle valves, flow indicators, back pressure regulators, cation filters, analyzers, sample sequencers, etc. These components are interconnected with small size stainless steel tubing, it’s inner diameter chosen to give the most optimal velocity for isokinetic sampling.
The systems are generally divided into three sections; a hot and high-pressure wet section, a cold and low-pressure wet section, and a dry section for the control panel thus resulting in a logical and easily accessible location of all components.
The systems we deliver to meet the highest standards of “good workmanship”. Our reputation for offering only top quality products is a result of constant quality awareness from the first design calculation right through to to the last nut and bolt. The ISO 9002 certificate for our workshop is only 1 part of this procedure. Only true understanding and know-how of all aspects involved in sampling & analysis and inventiveness can ensure the next evolutionary step in design is delivered. This is what makes the difference between the “copier” and the specialist – and this is what can assure the client that every detail is taken care of.
Due to our experience, the close contacts we keep with end-users and manufacturers of these components, and the access to the results of tests performed by independent institutions, Watcon has a thorough knowledge of this equipment. As we have no obligations to suppliers we can freely choose the best performance/price ratio per application or supply according to your plant preferences and standards.
However, key equipment, such as sample coolers, cation filters, sample nozzles, etc, that are not readily available or suitable for the purpose is of our own manufacture and supply.
Document control is a central part of the service and is assured that this meets the same quality standards.
Analysis Systems
- Built and designed to perform accurately without malfunction and minimal cost of ownership.
- Tailored for your application, complying with your plants technical specifications. (Please consult “Technical specification”)
- Complies with all relevant international & local codes and regulations.
- PED, VGB, ASTM D1066, ASME PTC 19.11, ASME Sec. VIII div. 1, NACE0175, API 675, IEC, ATEX etc.
- Completely documented, according to your document list.
- Factory tested , site commissioned, and with all required QA certificates.
The layout of the systems will be completely customized to your requirements, being:
- Location
- Available space
- Preferences regarding ergonomics
- Free standing or wall mounted
- Indoor or outdoor
- Inside an enclosure
Together with chemical dosing
- Ex zone or safe area
Your system will be completely bespoke, made with top quality materials, and function completely to your needs.
Take a look at the photo’s on our website to get an impression of our completed projects.
Please ask for more photo’s and references if needed.